Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is Q Anon an Elaborate Psy Op?


Robert Barnes has a theory that Q Anon is a psy-op. A psychological operation developed by somebody to defeat Trump. They promoted a series of false narratives designed to reassure Trump supporters that they were winning, and that all they needed to do was "trust the plan". Every time a prediction failed to come true, they'd come up with a new narrative to explain how it was all still a part of some grand strategy. Like the series of trenches during WW I into which you could retreat when the first one was overrun. Trump would declassify documents, and we'd all live happily ever after. Then the declassified stuff was filled with redactions so you were no wiser than you were before the release. Then Bill Barr got appointed Attorney General and John Durham was on the case. Everyone was waiting for a blockbuster release of information just before the election. We know how that turned out. Thanks for nothing Messrs. Barr and Durham. Trump is luring them into a false sense of security so he can draw out the culprits, some said. He's about to drop the hammer. Every failure was explained by a new promise of victory to come if you just trusted the plan. Like James Lileks over at Ricochet said, it's just like those doomsday cultists who revise the date that the world will end each time a deadline comes and goes and the birds are still singing. If we'd known Durham would turn out to be a dud, would we have expended as little more effort in get out the vote, or countering some of the Democratic lawfare that contributed to gutting mail in ballot security?

Eventually those who were the most committed to trust in the plan put the final nail in the coffin of Trump's struggle to expose the problems with this election. They committed violence at the Capitol. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will listen to the evidence of election irregularities now. The MSM got just what they needed to finally vanquish Donald Trump. So now we get a 24/7 campaign by Democrats, big tech and the press to demonize anybody who supported the president, and they'll push it as far as they can. Winning isn't enough. They want us defeated, demoralized, and silent. Silent by disappointment , silent due to fear of labeling, or silent by force if necessary. Hence the attack on social media. If the masters of psychological operations wrote books about their craft, this one would be a best seller. Trump supporters were lulled into a false sense of security and then tricked into becoming the agents of their own destruction. My guess is that 99% of Q folks probably aren't even in on the con. They're just dupes. The journalists and bloggers who claimed that Trump was playing 3-D chess probably believed it. They weren't stupid. They were naive. Sidney Powell isn't stupid. She was powned (Urban Dictionary: Purely Owned). General McInerney with his stories about Hammer and Scorecard? Probably the same.

So what happens now? Well for starters, anybody with any sense has to disown Q Anon. It's like Buckley purging the John Birchers from the conservative movement in the 50's. I'm sympathetic to the Q folks because I think most of them meant well, but they acted stupidly, and they tainted everything that the populist conservative movement led by Donald Trump really stands for. We all need political allies in order for our ideas to prevail, but there is a limit to how far I will stretch the range of acceptability just to build a bigger coalition. There's no room for bigots and there is no room for Q. And I'm not implying the two are synonymous, but there might be some overlap.

What do these conspirators, whoever they are, do now. Well ideally, they just disappear and cover their tracks. The win would be less decisive if people discovered the truth. No one is in quite as much awe of the magician once they see how the illusion was performed. But the cat is out of the bag. Folks are already whispering about psy-ops. Well, the playbook says discredit those people. Paint them as crazy. Paint them as fringe. If that fails, frame them for sexual misconduct (Scott Ritter). If that fails maybe even kill them (Michael Hastings). Robert Barnes: I love you man. Please behave yourself, and please, please "Be careful out there!" (First TV reference--Hill Street Blues)


Saturday, January 9, 2021




 The previously clandestine and now quite overt censoring of conservative voices on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Platforms has now reached dangerous levels. This is not just about Trump. Social media is critical to modern political discourse. The censorship must be resisted. That means targeting profitability, and that means boycotts. But I won't cut off my nose to spite my face. I will continue to use these platforms in the short term while taking the following measures to abandon them as soon as it is practical. 


1. To the greatest extent possible, I will try to post nearly exclusively on Parler and MeWe 

2. I will post on Twitter and Facebook only links to those Parler and MeWe posts 

3. You are not forced to join those sites to view my posts, but I hope once you are on the sites reading my stuff, you will take the opportunity to join those communities. Please join/follow/friend me when you get there. 

4. Eventually, once those alternative communities have reached the critical mass needed to function as effectively as Twitter and Facebook once did, I will abandon those legacy services entirely. Ironically, with their recent actions, those legacy companies may have accelerated the realization of that network effect functionality. 


In the mean time, here is what else I am doing: 

To the extent possible, I am viewing my favorite video podcasts on Rumble instead of YouTube. They don't censor political speech and their terms are financially much more appealing for content creators. Also, they have plans to incorporate live streaming in the new year. 

I have abandoned Google as my search engine on all platforms. I use Duck Duck Go 

I am researching my options for switching email providers to jettison G-Mail. Looking at Protonmail which offers end to end encryption. They don't mine your emails for data about you to sell. Even if privacy isn't your primary concern, you'll be incrementally robbing Google of a source of revenue. 


I'm @Exaeroman at Parler 

I'm Jesse McVay at MeWe 





Feel free to visit me on Parler or MeWe and comment if you have other suggestions for alternative social media platforms. 

If you agree with this approach to taking back Social Media Freedom, please share and ReTweet (Echo) this post.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

It's a Two Front War Now and the Republican Party Must Be Defeated First


What happened at the Capitol yesterday was a spontaneous act of civil disobedience by a group of exuberant and frankly reckless Trump supporters. Nothing more. The MSM has seized upon the event to perpetuate their false narrative that Trump is an existential threat.

Some are buying that story including many Republican lawmakers. Jan 6 never had a very good chance of flipping a result. It was meant to (1)provide a forum to present evidence and (2)force Republicans to declare a position: Accept the fraud or fight the fraud.

Many fair weather Republicans are showing their true colors now and abandoning Trump. If the populist anti administrative state movement that Trump started is to survive, every one of those "summer soldier" Republicans needs to be primaried and defeated next time.

That needs to happen whether Trump continues to lead the movement or not. The Catch 22 is that even though Trump is a lightening rod for all the disinformation the MSM will spread about him, he's probably the only one with the charisma to keep the movement intact. That means the struggle will be costly. Republicans will lose elections to Democrats initially because of the divisiveness it will entail. The old Republican Party won't quit without a fight, and they'll resort to the same goto move they use against third parties: Vote for us. You may not like us but the other choice is too risky and it's us or the evil Democrats. And that could work. If Trump populism is to take over the Republican Party, that party will need to be chipped away at piece by piece. That party needs to be battered to within inches of its life before it will concede, and that likely means some elections won by Democrats in the interim.

Are you up for that kind of fight? If not, then you might as well crawl back to Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham right now and beg for forgiveness and plead with them to take you back. Donald Trump, for all his flaws, started something very important for our country. The Republican Party, as it is presently constituted, wants to see Trumpism vanish from American politics. I hope we don't let that happen.