Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

BS Removal Kit

Politics and the Cola Wars

Remember several years ago when the soft drink bottler 7-Up ran an ad campaign against the major players, Coke and Pepsi? They labeled themselves the Uncola. They drew a contrast between their product and that of the majors. The message 7-Up conveyed was that they were under appreciated. Their product had lots of appeal with the country’s cola drinkers, but they just weren’t getting the market share. Traditional cola drinkers were loyal to their brands out of years of habitual consumption. The colas weren’t necessarily better products. Indeed, many people actually preferred 7-Up once they tried it. But many customers had built up an almost tribal brand loyalty over the years. 7-Up’s advertising campaign had quite an impact. The trademark “Uncola” became one of the more memorable slogans in advertising history.

Well, for a long time, there has been another David and Goliath conflict being waged. Politics in America has long been dominated by two major parties. But there have always been smaller, lesser known parties opposing the majors. Many lasted just a few campaigns, never to be seen again. But there are some that have demonstrated staying power. These parties are not just one issue parties, but broader based parties, founded on fundamental, and strongly held ideals. Their members are typically well informed, passionate and principled activists who see serious flaws in both of the major parties. Examples include the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Independent Party. You may not be interested in these parties. You may already have a party of your own, and you are loyal to that party because…because…well because you have always been loyal to that party. And loyalty is a good thing, right? Well maybe so, but blind loyalty? Tribal loyalty? I’d like to suggest that you examine what you believe. Then examine the platform of your current party. Are there areas of disagreement? Maybe a few, but that’s to be expected. Now examine what you believe, and compare it to how your party actually behaves. Is there even more daylight between you and your chosen party? Do they stray considerably from their rhetoric? Do they say one thing, and do another? If your answer is yes, maybe you should take a glance at one of the principled minor parties.

Chances are, if you belong to one of the major parties, you would be loathe to switch to the other major. Fair enough. Sadly, lots of people have done just that and have been sorely disappointed with the results. But maybe it’s time to consider one of the smaller parties. Most of the minor party candidates in the upcoming November election will have a website. If one of these candidates comes knocking at your door this campaign season with a flyer, and a request for your vote, check them out. Ask a few questions. You might be pleasantly surprised. Maybe it’s time to try something different, and enjoy the fresh clean taste of a principled small political party.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

USAA Joins the Ranks of Large Institutional Disappointments

I just got an email from USAA praising several Senators for their work on the Financial Reform Legislation. Here's a link to their website version. Did they not get suspicious when they saw the name Dodd-Frank on the bill? I sent them a response on their website. If you feel the same way I do about this and you're a USAA member, you might consider an email of your own.

My Response:

Just got an email from you praising several members of the Senate for their great work in passing Financial Reform Legislation. Are you guys kidding? Does this mean that USAA was at the trough with all the rest of the criminal financial institutions with their lobbyists grasping for favors? What did you give up to get some short term sop from the big government Republican and Democrat Kleptocracy? How many pieces of silver did you get for selling us down the river. You should have fought this thing tooth and nail as a matter of principle. How long do you think you'll have before they come after you again.

Last year, I cut up my AARP card over their healthcare sellout. This year I'm getting ready to cut up my NRA card over their sellout over the DISCLOSE Act and the possibility of their endorsing Harry Reid. It seems that one large trusted institution after another is disappointing me lately. Who's next? The Boy Scouts?

If you think I won't change insurance companies because you're military affiliated, think again. Stupid stupid move on your part. Next time you sell out this country, have the sense to keep your big fat mouth shut.

Jesse McVay Lt. Col. USAF Ret.

Friday, July 16, 2010

David vs Goliath

This kind of reminds me of David vs Goliath. 

And we know how how that ended.  Please reply to comments to suggest a caption of your own.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Irony is a Beautiful Thing

President Obama spoke today at the funeral of Senate icon Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia.  Byrd, as you may know, had a somewhat checkered past when it comes to the area of race relations.  The irony here is a wonder to behold.  The first black president of the United States eulogizing a former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan.  Those assembled agreed that the president's remarks were both comforting and inspiring, but many complained they were unable to hear parts of the president's speech due to a loud thumping noise coming from the area around the podium.  Officials apologized for the distraction, explaining the thumping noise was the sound of Senator Byrd turning over in his grave.
