7 July 2019 YouTube Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux discuss new indictment
6 March 2019 Ann Coulter Summary at Breitbart Includes audio
Part I Miami Herald Story from 28 November, 2018 by Julie Brown
Part II
Part III
Epsteins Connections
Palm Beach County’s Democratic prosecutor Barry Krischer abetted Epstein
Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter blew the whistle
The [Palm Beach County] sheriff, Ric Bradshaw, would not answer questions, submitted by the Miami Herald, about Epstein’s work release.
Acosta made a deal with Washington, D.C. attorney Jay Lefkowitz, his former colleague, at a breakfast meeting in October 2007, according to the Miami Herald.
“How in the world, do you, the U.S. attorney, engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?” Bradley Edwards, a former state prosecutor who represents victims of Epstein, told the Miami Herald.
Acosta, in 2011, would explain that he was unduly pressured by Epstein’s heavy-hitting lawyers — [Jay] Lefkowitz, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, Jack Goldberger, Roy Black, former U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis, Gerald Lefcourt, and Kenneth Starr, the former Whitewater special prosecutor who investigated Bill Clinton’s sexual liaisons with Monica Lewinsky.
In email after email, Acosta and the lead federal prosecutor, A. Marie Villafaña, acquiesced to Epstein’s legal team’s demands, which often focused on ways to limit the scandal by shutting out his victims and the media, including suggesting that the charges be filed in Miami, instead of Palm Beach, where Epstein’s victims lived.
In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act in the Epstein case.
A prosecutor under New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance argued on Epstein’s behalf, telling New York Supreme Court Judge Ruth Pickholtz that the Florida case never led to an indictment and that his underage victims failed to cooperate in the case. Pickholtz, however, denied the petition, expressing astonishment that a New York prosecutor would make such a request on behalf of a serial sex offender accused of molesting so many girls.
Mike Cernovich claims he initiated the lawsuit (as intervenor) later joined by the Miami Herald that led to judgement to release thousands of pages of documents to the public. Those documents, not yet released will expose the details of the Epstein case and are the reason the new charges are being filed. Had these documents remained secret, the Epstein case would never have been revisited. The case has to do with a civil suit from 21 Sep 2015 by alleged Epstein victim VIRGINIA GIUFFRE against Epstein girlfriend and procurer Ghislaine Maxwell for defamation. Maxwell had called Giuffre a liar for accusations related to procurement.
3 Jul 2019 US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruling in favor of intervenors Mike Cernovich, Miami Herald (Julie Brown), and Alan Dershowitz to unseal docket in Maxwell v Giuffre Request for Summary mJudgement filing.
This pending release of documents is said to be the reason why new charges were being filed against Epstein. May show others involved.
Guardian story about settlement of Virginia Roberts Giuffre's defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell 24 May 2017
Vicky Ward Vanity Fair profile of Jeffrey Epstein from March 2003
Jan 6, 2015 Vicky Ward story from The Daily Beast (updated July 8, 2019) distills the lengthier March 2003 Vanity Fair story, but includes the references to the two sister whom Epstein allegedly abused (cut from the Vanity Fair article by editor Graydon Carter after pressure from Epstein)
8 July, 2019 Daily Caller on then U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Now Sec Labor Alex Acosta
Two unidentified John Doe parties petitioning lower court NOT to release sealed docs that Appeals Court said should be unsealed.
My guess is that the impending release of these docs was all that prompted the Feds to indict Epstein. They knew that once public, they'd look even worse that they already do for having given Epstein the sweetheart deal in 2008.
Hugh Hewitt interviews thriller writer James Patterson who, in 2016, departed from his usual genre to write the non fiction book Filthy Rich about Jeffrey Epstein.
He says he was shocked he couldn't get the media interested, perhaps because, rightly or wrongly, they were concerned too vigorous an exploration of the subject might lead to Bill Clinton.
Government argues against bail
Government argues against bail
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